0 (312) 286 10 84 sercev@sercev.org.tr

Micro Fund Program for Children – 2019

Micro Fund Program for Children – 2019

What was our goal?

With the Micro-Fund program supported by the European Union and carried out by the International Children’s Center (ICC), it is aimed to support and facilitate the participation of children in civil society. The aim of the program is to ensure meaningful child participation in civil society and to support the strengthening of the capacities of Partnership Network members and other NGOs working in the field of children’s rights. SERÇEV carries out the project with the study titled ‘Editing Communication Materials Based on Capabilities of Children with Cerebral Palsy with Child Participation’. It is aimed to raise awareness about the facilitating factors in children’s social participation by constructing communication and awareness-oriented product development activities within SERÇEV and to create the basic fiction of communication materials with children.

What have we accomplished?

Participatory design workshops were held with 15 children with cerebral palsy between the ages of 14 and 17 and facilitating materials were used to support children’s expression skills. In the workshops, which are designed with designer expert support (JOON) and SERÇEV moderation, it will be easier for children to express the factors that support their social participation by using fictional design and experience methods. The contents produced after the study will be evaluated with the support of designer experts, shared with participating students and evaluated in printed and product communication materials to be created within SERÇEV.